10 Years

~ by souls1973 on May 4, 2009.

2 Responses to “10 Years”

  1. You know, self-alone time yesterday had me thinking of how life often comes with no guarantees, no half-time, no second chances. And how you should make the best with what Life has got to offer. Like telling someone how much you miss them, speak up, fuck someone upside down, smile to the old man who clears your dishes, hold the hands of someone, stay up late, enjoy the silence after a stormy night, run and let loose. And smile! Because you owe this much to your life! 2 tens are already gone and I hope this is where you can stand and smile back (:

    Love you (:

    • you know, most of us aware of these, maybe we did take some efforts to live worth the time sometimes, but most of the times, we simply too shy to stand up, like even we know that we love our parents very very much, but we just keep it inside; like even we know that we love an opposite sex, but we just too shy to tell; like even we know that we can help so many others, but we are doing shit about it. So, I just hope we can push ourselves to do a little more =)

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